Cloud Backup

What is our Cloud Backup Offering?


The offering is a hybrid back-up solution that links your on-premises infrastructure to a secure Australian based Data Centre. Datto’s leading-edge technologies ensure that your data remains secure and accessible, even in the event of natural disaster or hardware failure.

Proposed Business Continuity Solution Includes:

  • Datto Backup appliance with 5-year H/W warranty, fast replacement from Sydney.
  • Fully automated backup process that stores data locally, and in the cloud– no manual process.
  • In the event of downtime (server failure/malware/ransomware etc), we can run your entire environment on the Datto appliance. This means no downtime for your business.
  • In a macro disaster where the Datto box is destroyed (fire, flood, theft, etc), we can run your business out of the secure Datto Cloud whilst we build a brand new Datto box free of charge.
  • Reduced downtime in the event of disaster –minutes, not weeks.
  • AES 256 and SSL key-based encryption for data security and compliance – whilst your data is in transit and at rest
  • Tier 4 Australian data centre – your data will never leave Australia.
  • Verified backups to ensure their integrity.
  • DR tests in the cloud per your request.
  • Adelaide Cloud have access to Datto’s 24/7/365 support in the case if any issues.

Key Concepts

Instant Virtualisation

With Datto, backups can be virtualized either locally on the Datto device or remotely in Datto’s secure data centre, in seconds, with the click of a button. The advanced web interface allows for the configuration of CPU and memory resources.

The advantages of Instant Virtualisation are many. Should a business experience server failure, or the like, its systems may be virtualised instantly on the Datto device or the secure Datto DC, to avoid data loss and downtime. With the systems virtualised in the Cloud, the business may operate “business as usual” and have the time and resources to fix its server issue without compromising any data or incurring any downtime.

Inverse Chain Technology

This eliminates problems in the backup chain, where most problems occur in the backup process.

These backups are not dependent on previous snapshots allowing for freedom over changing retention and deleting snapshots without resetting the chain or dropping a new base image.

Datto’s Inverse Chain Technology avoids broken backup chains and enables virtualization to happen almost instantaneously.

Ransomware Detection

Datto devices actively monitor backups, and when a ransomware footprint is detected, SIRIS notifies admins that they have a likely ransomware attack on their hands. From there, recovery is simply a matter of restoring from a previous backup.

Screenshot Verification

This proprietary technology delivers proof that your backup is successful. By taking a “screenshot” of each completed boot process virtually, Datto tests the backup integrity and proactively identifies boot-ability issues through the use of automated scripts.

Contact our local team to discuss what we can do for your business!

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